"Albany Approves Regulations On Boat Inspection Program"
At its monthly meeting yesterday, Lake George Park Commission Executive Director Dave Wick announced that the Park Commission's proposed regulations to make permanent the Boat Inspection and Decontamination Program have been approved by Gov. Andrew Cuomo's counsel and are expected to be in place by May 1. Additionally, it appears that the state funds to run the program are in place for the upcoming season. As in previous years, the governor's budget proposal for this fiscal year includes money to pay for half of the inspection program. The other half has come from local municipalities and non-profits, including $30,000 per year from the Lake George Association. As you may know, the Lake George Association Board of Directors voted in August to commit $90,000 over three years toward that program as part of the LGA's commitment to protect Lake George water. Others around the Lake through the SAVE Lake George Partnership have made similar commitments to ensure the inspection and decontamination program continues into the future. A public hearing on the regulations is required, and that hearing is set for March 28 at Bolton Town Hall, according to the Post-Star. If you are unable to make it to the meeting and would like to submit comments, you can send them via email to info@lgpc.state.ny.us with the subject: “Boat Inspection Regulations Comments.”